The Primal Demons – Fear, Pain and Hunger, Part 1: The Truth of the Hierarchy

The Primal demons are a subject of debate among basically everything. From religious scholars, to exterminators on the front lines, to the Arou’ka themselves.

What we know of the Hierarchy is that in the Void, the Arou’ka are the native forms of life. We know that smaller Arou’ka can become trapped in the orbit of larger Arou’ka, taking on their traits and personalities, becoming imperfect copies as they still fight to have some individuality.

we also know that this is not the case with the followers of the so called “primal demons”.

The Gorelings.

The Cursed.

The Agonites.

These are less Arou’ka and appear to be races in their own right, with near identical entities appearing in sufficient numbers for them to be classified. We even know that, a famous example of these creatures are the Cursed Vampires. These creatures are so commonplace that they are used to teach Arou’ka anatomy in schools. The fact is, there isn’t much more we can learn from them.

Stylized warning sign

We know that the Cursed Vampires are human beings who have eaten human flesh and have begun to mutate as a result. we know that they can, if allowed to live, progress into more dangerous Arou’ka, but these types are fairly well documented, like Manticores;

Recovered photograph of a Bone-mane Manticore mid-attack

We will touch more on the Cursed in Part 4, but we, for the most part, treat these creatures as a natural and ubiquitous phenomenon. We see the same problem with the Gorelings, creatures that are recognized by travelers who have never set foot in our reality;

A typical Gorehound

Those piercing purple eyes are as clear an indication of a Gorelings as the exposed muscle and eyeless face betray the Cursed. These creatures are very easily recognized, even more so than human-beings are between realities.

Photograph donated by a traveler, depicting the fall of their world

This is both clearly Baron Psychosis and somehow much worse, something much deeper that not only forces them to take on specific traits, but something that silences their individuality entirely, creating nothing more than a number in the legion of the so called “Primal Demons”.

So, what are we looking at?

It’s fair to point out that for something to exert enough influence to completely rob an Arou’ka of its individuality, or convert living beings into Arou’ka, it would be powerful. I mean these creatures would put entities like the Great Beast to shame. They would be so large that their sphere of influence, as opposed to being measured in meters, kilometers or light years (as is the limit of known entities we have studied), would be measured in terms of Reality Superclusters.

According to our traveler friends and some benevolent Arou’ka, there are approximately 8 known Superclusters, where realities are clustered like stars in gigantic Galaxy Superclusters, for which they are named.

It is at this point that the human mind fails, and trying to conceptualize this goes from difficult to impossible.

This would, however make these Primal Demons akin to fundamental forces. So huge and all encompassing that we are oblivious to their presence, because we have no idea what a space without them would look like.

I must stress, however, I am not calling these creatures God’s. according to some of the more frightening creatures I’ve spoken to, the Title of “Primal Demon” is passed in combat.

The Titans

Titans are the most obvious contenders for these titles. We know that Titans exist. We know that they feed on realities. we know that they shape realities around them into their own image, creating, though passively, universes perfectly shaped to their will.

With that said, Titans don’t quite explain how these Primal Demons are able to exert influence over, well, basically everything.

What is to come

Over the course of this series, I will go into greater detail on each of the Primal Demons, committing to public record what we know, what we have proven, and what is just guess work at this stage.

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